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북한이탈주민의 구강보건서비스 경험이 구강건강관리행태에 미치는 영향

The influence of North Korean defectors’ oral health service experience on oral health behavior

저자 김시우, 이유리, 권재성, 김사란, 김정태, 김현주, 이재훈
소속 및 직함 연세대학교 의료법윤리학연구원
발행기관 대한예방치과·구강보건학회
학술지 대한구강보건학회지
권호사항 46(3)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 115-120
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #North Korean defectors   #Oral health behavior   #Oral health service experience   #김시우   #이유리   #권재성   #김사란   #김정태   #김현주   #이재훈
Objectives: The study aims to investigate the influence of oral health service experience on oral health behavior of North Korean defectors and contribute to the development and implementation of oral health education among this population. Methods: A self-reporting questionnaire survey was conducted with 161 North Korean defectors in Hanawon from April, 2015 to September, 2015. Of these participants, 50 were excluded owing to insufficient questionnaire data. The questionnaire was developed based on the WHO’s Oral Health Survey (OHS) and the Korean National Oral Health Survey (KNOHS). Three categories were included in the questionnaire: demographic characteristics, dental service experience in North Korea, and oral health behavior. Results: Males had higher levels of perceived oral health compared to females, with differences according to the region they are from in North Korea. Those who received tooth brushing instruction in North Korea showed a greater tendency to practice tooth brushing after lunch, while those who received oral health examination showed a higher level of use of oral rinses. Further, the experience of dental scaling significantly influenced both practicing tooth brushing after lunch and use of oral rinses. Conclusions: This study confirmed that the previous experience of oral health service in North Korea positively influenced current oral health behavior of North Korean defectors. Continued oral health education can enhance their oral health behavior, oral health, and quality of life. Thus, it is suggested that policies and oral health education should be developed according to their characteristics and oral health service experience in North Korea.