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남한에서의 북한 지역기반 무형문화재 전승과 보존에 관한 제도 분석 연구

An Analysis on the System of Transmission and Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Originated from the North Korean Region in South Korea

저자 최희아
소속 및 직함 성균관대학교
발행기관 한국무용예술학회
학술지 무용예술학연구
권호사항 81(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 131-152
발행 시기 2021년
키워드 #북한 지역기반 무형문화재   #제도   #전승   #보존   #이북5도 무형문화재   #최희아
This study analyzes the practical aspects of the system regarding the transmission and preservation of intangible cultural heritage originated from the North Korean region. The state, city, ibuk5do considered how the intangible cultural heritage system protects intangible cultural assets based on North Korea, and their ways of consideration has been changing through time. As the Cultural Heritage Protection Regulation was enacted on May 1, 1998, Ibuk5do intangible cultural heritage was classified and an independent system was established. However, there is still a problem with insufficient support measures, because there are no actual local governments. Although the system was established, problems such as poor subsidies and lack of professional operations have arisen due to the lack of practical conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare an independent policy support system for intangible cultural heritage originated from the North Korean region in North Korea.