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통일 NGO활동가의 평화인식이 화해태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 세계시민성과 공동체의식의 매개효과

A Study on the Effect of Peace Perception of Unification NGO Activists on Reconciliation Attitudes : Mediating Effect of Global Citizenship and Community Consciousness

저자 한수아
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 일반대학원
전공 북한학과 통일정책전공
발행연도 2024년
쪽수 207
지도교수 박순성
키워드 #통일 NGO   #평화인식   #화해태도   #세계시민성   #공동체의식   #한수아
This study analyzed the influence of unification NGO activists' perception of peace on reconciliation attitudes.
It attempts to verify whether global citizenship and community consciousness play a role as a parameter in the relationship between the peace perception and reconciliation attitude of unification NGO activists.

The subject of the study is the unification NGO activist.
It targets body corporate of the Ministry of Unification, organizations participating in the Unification Solidarity Organization, organizations with the purpose of unification-related content, and businesses related to North Korean defectors. Leaders, practitioners, and volunteers of these organizations are the subjects of the study. The geographic scope was limited to Seoul and the metropolitan area.

Data was collected and analyzed through surveys to both the target public and experts in the field. The public survey was conducted online and on paper questionnaires offline.

The expert survey was classified into unification environment creation (academic research, unification education), exchange and cooperation with North Korea, and support for North Korean defectors, and was also conducted online and through in-depth interviews.

The main findings are as follows:

Firstly, the analysis of background variables of peace perception indicated an active will to construct peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Hostility between the two nations, demonizing of North Korea and the perception of zero-sum inter-Korean relationship, are typically not seen negatively.

Secondly, regarding the reconciliation attitude, progressive political activists in their 20s and 30s showed a positive tendency to trust North Korea.

The view that the responsibility for the conflict between the two Koreas lies within North Korea was shown from activists of an older age.

Meanwhile, albeit being angry about North Korea’s wrongdoings, the concept of retaliation was not shown.

Thirdly, the analysis of the correlation between the attitude of reconciliation and the antecedent variables revealed significant positive (+) correlations with forgiveness, social identity, and guilt towards North Korea.

On the other hand, domestic environmental awareness, forgiveness in inter-Korean relations awareness, and guilt toward North Korea showed negative (-) correlations.

Global citizenship and community consciousness, which are parameters, were found to have the same correlation as peace perception.

Fourthly, the results of the path analysis between reconciliation attitude and preceding variables showed that political orientation had a positive (+) effect on putting trust and responsibility towards North Korea, but a negative (-) effect on guilt.

The perception of inter-Korean relations and domestic environmental perception, which are the perception of peace conditions on the Korean Peninsula, have a negative (-) effect on forgiveness and trust in North Korea. International environmental awareness had a negative (-) effect on guilt and North Korea's sympathy.

Fifthly, it was shown that the total effect of peace perception on reconciliation attitude was statistically significant.

Furthermore, the results of the indirect effects of parameters showed that the peace attitude perception, a sub-factor of peace perception, had a large influence on the dependent variable, reconciliation attitude.

In this study, direct and indirect effects were verified through path analysis and total decomposition effects, demonstrating that peace perception affects reconciliation attitudes through global citizenship and community consciousness.

Based on these results, the peace perception of unification NGO activists influences reconciliation attitude. Research has shown that global citizenship and community consciousness have a significant influence as a mediating variable.
"제1장 서론 1
제1절 문제 제기 및 연구 목적 1
제2절 선행연구 검토 7
제3절 연구내용 18

제2장 이론적 배경 20
제1절 주요개념 20
제2절 화해의 이론적 고찰 55
제3절 연구 변수 간의 관계 65

제3장 연구방볍 및 분석틀 76
제1절 연구방법 76
제2절 연구대상 80
제3절 분석틀 86

제4장 실증조사 결과 100
제1절 배경변수 차이 검증 100
제2절 변수 간 영향분석 114
제3절 전문가 조사 131

제5장 조사 결과 분석 및 함의 152
제1절 설문 조사 결과 분석 152
제2절 전문가 조사 결과 분석 161
제3절 조사 결과의 함의 170

제6장 결론 176

참 고 문 헌 183
부 록 203"