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북한이탈주민 대상 창업교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

Research on Entrepreneurship Education Programs for North Korean Defectors

저자 엄철현
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 일반대학원
전공 기술창업학과
발행연도 2024년
쪽수 231
지도교수 성창수
키워드 #북한이탈주민   #창업교육   #사회통합   #경제적자립   #분단비용   #엄철현
This study attempted to develop an entrepreneurship education program specifically for North Korean defectors as a means to support their settlement in South Korea and economic independence. Despite the 78 years that have passed since the end of World War II, South Korea is the only country that remains divided. The ideological conflict and military costs resulting from this division, referred to as the 'cost of division,' pose an excessive burden. Amid the increasing importance of the social integration and economic independence of North Korean defectors settled in South Korea as a way to use this cost as a resource for social development, entrepreneurship among defectors is gaining attention as an alternative for independence. However, the current government's support policy for North Korean defectors is focused on employment thus far, leaving support for entrepreneurship relatively lacking. Moreover, related research is also insufficient.
To achieve the research objectives, the following research questions were set: First, what are the needs of North Korean defector entrepreneurs for entrepreneurship education? The first research question is designed to comprehend their unique requirements, expectations, and preferences in terms of acquiring entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. Second, what is the composition of an entrepreneurship education program that reflects the entrepreneurs' needs? The second research question is designed to ascertain the key components that an effective entrepreneurship education program should possess to cater to the specific needs of North Korean defector entrepreneurs. Third, what are the reactions of entrepreneurs who have taken the developed entrepreneurship education program? The third and final research question is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in meeting the perceived needs of the entrepreneurs and its impact on their entrepreneurial journey.
The development of an entrepreneurship education program for North Korean defectors was carried out through the ADDIE model's process of analysis-design-development-implementation-evaluation. The program's validity was verified through a Delphi survey with a panel of experts during the development process. The analysis phase included a review of previous studies, entrepreneur analysis, needs assessment, and environment analysis. In the design phase, educational goals and content, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation items were specified, and their validity was confirmed through expert consultation. In the development phase, the focus was on producing teaching and learning media and lecture materials suitable for the detailed program implementation plan. In the implementation phase, the developed plan was applied to the operation of the 'Unification Startup School 3rd' program. Finally, in the evaluation phase, the entrepreneurship competency, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, and initial entrepreneurial behavior before and after program participation were measured. The results showed a substantial increase in all measures compared to before the course, and satisfaction level was also improved. Subsequently, entrepreneur interviews were conducted to collect subjective opinions on program operation, and improvements were derived based on these. A Delphi survey of experts was conducted to develop an entrepreneurship education program for North Korean defectors.
The study presented three points of discussion: the development of an entrepreneurship education program for a target group with the unique characteristic of being North Korean defectors, the analysis of the characteristics of North Korean defectors as entrepreneurs, and the development process of an entrepreneurship education program close to action research through the consecutively operated 'Unification Startup School' program, and the development of a structural system for an entrepreneurship education program for North Korean defectors.
From an academic viewpoint, the significance of this study is prominently highlighted in its effort to construct a robust entrepreneurship education framework specifically for North Korean defectors. This is notwithstanding the constraints posed by the relatively small sample size and the study's exploratory nature. To mitigate these limitations, we conducted a series of in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs from the 'Class of 3rd Unification Startup School' to collect in-depth opinions and additional educational needs that could not be derived from a survey-style program evaluation. Throughout this process, we were able to obtain qualitative data for a deeper understanding of North Korean defectors (potential) entrepreneurs, including reasons for defection, challenges in settling in South Korean society, motivations for entering the realm of entrepreneurship, and the specific difficulties in entrepreneurial ventures. These challenges especially include issues pertaining to fundraising, which is a critical component of any entrepreneurial endeavor. The aim was to gather comprehensive opinions and discern additional educational requirements that a conventional survey-style program evaluation might fail to reveal. Going forward, it is recommended that subsequent studies be conducted to validate the efficacy of the program. This can be achieved by increasing the sample size, thereby allowing the results to be generalized to a larger population of North Korean defectors. From a practical standpoint, the study underscores the urgent need for a tailored entrepreneurship education program that can genuinely and effectively assist North Korean defectors in their entrepreneurial pursuits. In addition, it highlights the importance of establishing robust financial support policies, such as investment schemes, to bolster their entrepreneurial ventures and ensure their success in the South Korean startup ecosystem.
"제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경과 목적 1
1. 연구의 배경 1
2. 연구의 목적 5
제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 7
1. 연구의 방법 7
2. 연구의 구성 8

제2장 이론적 배경 10
제1절 북한이탈주민과 창업 10
1. 북한이탈주민의 개념 및 현황 10
2. 북한이탈주민의 정착지원 14
3. 북한이탈주민의 경제활동과 창업 23
4. 북한이탈주민의 창업에 대한 선행연구 32
제2절 북한이탈주민을 위한 창업교육 프로그램 46
1. 창업교육의 개념과 구성체계 46
2. 북한이탈주민 창업교육 프로그램 사례분석 58
제3절 창업교육 프로그램 개발 모델 69
1. 교수설계의 개념 69
2. 교수설계모형의 유형 73
3. ADDIE 모형을 적용한 창업교육 프로그램 개발 82

제3장 연구설계 84
제1절 연구방법 및 절차 84
1. 프로그램 분석 88
2. 프로그램 설계 92
3. 프로그램 개발 95
4. 프로그램 실행 96
5. 프로그램 평가 97
제2절 연구 참여자 105
1. 교육요구 조사 참여자 105
2. 델파이 조사 참여자 106
3. 프로그램 운영 및 평가 참여자 107

제4장 창업교육 프로그램 개발 109
제1절 프로그램 분석 109
제2절 프로그램 설계 121
제3절 프로그램 개발 134
제4절 프로그램 실행 135
제5절 프로그램 평가 142

제5장 결 론 18
제1절 연구결과 182
제2절 논의 185
제3절 제언 192

참고문헌 196
부록 209