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국외 파견 북한 노동자 연구

The North Korean Socialist Labor Practices in the World Capitalist System

저자 문희영
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 일반대학원
전공 북한학과 북한체제
발행연도 2023년
쪽수 239
지도교수 고유환
키워드 #문희영   # 사회체제론   # 해외 파견 북한 노동자   # 강제노동   # 대북 제재
This dissertation hypothesizes that North Korean overseas workers have been dispatched so as to accomplish their own purposes and to fulfill their labor right. In this regards it problematizes they were compelled to earn foreign currency for their Dear Leader.
North Korean government declares to have accomplished a self-supporting economy to date, nevertheless it intrinsically lacks of self sufficient economy. As a result it has contributed to the functions of World Capitalist System especially, in the low income and unskilled labor market.
The UN Security Council made a couple of resolutions to ban overseas work of North Korean nationals based on the ground that they are exploited in the sweatshops as the regime’s slave laborers. This assertion is based upon the typical characteristics in the second tier job market such as low-wage jobs or immigration workers workplaces. Succeeding studies demonstrate that North Korean overseas workers voluntarily or rather actively went abroad by bribing relevant administrators at all cost, and after returning home from the first dispatch they advanced to second, third, and even fourth dispatch.
The International Labor Organization has established a standard that miserable labor circumstances such as receiving under the minimum wage and being in a dangerous work place alone do not constitute as forced labor situation particularly when the workers of that job were not able to find better occupation.
North Korean workers did not get a higher income or was not in a safer working environment when they were in their home country, and majority of them went to work compulsorily to avoid punishment. This reality proves that jobs in overseas countries guarantees North Korean workers the freedom of choosing one’s occupation and and right to get a reasonable salary. Also North Korean workers can gain access to outside information, freedom of movement and privacy, and many of the rights in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
International human rights organizations address the situation that North Korean overseas workers work overtime on a daily basis, and they pay substantial amount of their income as a mandatory tax for the North Korean regime could be regarded as forced labor. This assertion excluded the practices that North Korean overseas workers were mainly engaged in logging or construction work and those kinds of workers are not paid by hour but by the amount of work they actually performed. Logically if they finish work earlier, they receive higher paycheck when the income is calculated per hour.
North Korean overseas workers were charged expenses like any other workers such as room and food expenses, transportation fee, insurance fee, and Party membership fee if they have the membership. From among these expenses North Korean overseas company deducted more than half of the each workers’ pay as National Planning Fund, and this addresses a question that how much tax a government can charge to its citizen. In majority countries there hardly exist consent between citizen and the government with regard to income tax, medical insurance fee, pension fee, and many other mandatory deductions from salary. Socialist states are obliged to ensure minimum standard of living condition to its citizen and the duty demands more finances than ordinary developing countries.
According to the International Labor Organization’s forced labor indicators, there are several practices to be improved in North Korean overseas work such as lack of signing up labor contract and providing direct payment in a monthly basis, but these circumstances do not constitute as main reasons for forced labor situation and function as justification for restricting of North Korean overseas work. The UN Security Council resolutions have prevented the only legal way to leave country for North Korean citizen unless they have relatives in China, consequently they are not able to accumulate a low level capital and take the lead for further economic development and reform in their home country. While the international community concentrates on regime change and dismantling nuclear weapons in North Korea, North Korean citizen are infringed on human rights, especially the right to work, access to uncensored outside information, and have a proper standard of living. Above all things, human rights should not be used as a tool to exert maximum pressure to a certain regime for political reasons.
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 4
제3절 선행연구 분석 7
제4절 연구의 방법과 구성 10
제2장 세계적 단위의 노동분업과 북한의 사회주의적 노동관리체계 13
제1절 세계체제론으로 본 국외 북한노동 13
제2절 북한의 고전적 사회주의 체제에서의 고용과 임금제도 32
제3절 북한의 특구 지역 중심의 노동시장 개방 53
제3장 국외 북한노동의 특성과 국가별 실태 67
제1절 북한의 국외 저임금비숙련 노동시장에의 편입 67
제2절 국외 북한노동의 특성 81
1. 북한사업소의 쉘컴퍼니를 통한 현지화 81
2. 청부 노동자의 자유계약 노동 85
제3절 국외 북한 노동자들의 국가별 노동실태 102
1. 러시아 파견 북한 벌목 및 건설노동자 102
2. 중국의 글로벌 의류생산체계에 편입된 북한 노동자 116
3. 기타국가 파견 북한 노동자 120
제4장 국제규약 및 대북 제재와 국외 북한 노동자 152
제1절 국제노동규약에 비추어 본 국외 북한 노동자들의 특성 152
제2절 대북 제재: 세계체제내 예외적 공간으로서의 북한 178
제3절 대북 제재가 국외 북한 노동자들에게 미친 영향 206
제5장 결론 215
참고문헌 226