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사회통일교육의 변천과 거버넌스에 관한 연구


저자 이갑준
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 일반대학원
전공 북한학과 북한체제전공
발행연도 2022년
쪽수 265
지도교수 고유환
키워드 #이갑준   #사회통일교육   #거버넌스   #시민사회   #사회적 합의   #민주시민교육
This study was conducted for the purposes of analyzing the relationship between the process of transitions of social unification education and governance thereof, and seeking direction for new social unification education governance necessary for the modified awareness of unification and social phenomena following inter-Korean summit talks in 2000. Social unification education not only for schools but the general public began to be activated since the inter-Korean summit talks in 2000. Accordingly, diversified means of activating socialunification education had been proposed. This study is focusing on the means of advancing social unification education governance among such diversified means for the following reasons. First, unlike the unification education at school for which the central and local autonomous governments, and schools play the principal role, more diversified range of parties including central and local autonomous governments, civil groups, corporations and clubs are involved with social unification education. Second, in order to further advance unification education, it is necessary for private and public sectors to establish governance system for generation of unification education related policies by establishing consensus and gathering all available resources for peaceful unification. Third, while civil social activities and government policies in the area of social unification education in Korean society had achieved marked progresses, advances in social unification education governance system are still quite sluggish. Overall activities of civic society in Korea underwent rapid growth in terms of their scales and capabilities with the onset of the era of direct democracy immediately following the implementation of system of direct election of president in 1987. From thisperspective, establishment of private-public sector governance system for social unification education, which currently remains inadequate in comparison to the advances made for civic society activities and social unification education policies of the government, can be deemed necessary in creating unification education system much more appropriate for the matured democratic civic society. Fourth, another reason for the importance of social unification education governance is that the topic of unification that embraces the era and history is a social transition that is not only for the benefits only of residents of specific regions but also capable of imparting influences on all the constituent members of Korean society. As it can be seen from the case of Germany, unification does not only signify integration at the domain of regime but understanding and union at the domain of civic society is also very important. As such, it is necessary to seek channels for sociocultural communication through which the residents of both the South and the North can understand and live with each other by pursuing common values. Since peace and unification in Korean Peninsula is the demand of the current era for which all the people in our society are the subjects and participate in,it is extremely urgent to activate regional unification education and formulate consensus for unification. Mature private-public governance is required for the advancement of peaceful unification education. There is a need for the Ministry of Unification, Ministry of Education and civic groups, etc. to form alliance to deduce and proliferating the details of unification education by reaching social agreement (social consensus) throughout our society in order to accomplish the significance of Korean type Beutelsbacher consensus For this purpose, there is a need to pursue cooperative governance system with high levels of role division, autonomy and participation of diversified principals. Moreover, unlike the past, it is necessary to establish private-public cooperation structure with high levels of role division, autonomy and participation of diversified principals in order to reflect the changes in the new unification environment and unification campaign related maturity of civic society. Accordingly, there is a necessary for civic societies including civic organizations, universities and research institutes, etc. and various associations to share sense of responsibility and pursue cooperative governance with the government.
"제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 선행연구 분석 4
제3절 연구의 방법과 논문의 구성 16
1. 연구의 방법 16
2. 연구의 범위와 논문의 구성 17
제2장 사회통일교육의 개념과 이론적 적용 19
제1절 통일교육의 개념과 목표 19
1. 통일교육의 개념 19
2. 통일교육의 목표 24
제2절 사회통일교육 개념과 필요성 29
1. 사회통일교육의 개념과 등장 29
1) 사회교육 정의와 교육의 법적 근거 29
2) 사회통일교육 개념과 근거 41
2. 통일의식과 사회통일교육의 필요성 58
1) 2030 통일의식 58
2) 국민통일의식 64
제3절 거버넌스와 관련한 이론적 배경 68
1. 거버넌스 개념 69
2. 거버넌스 등장 배경과 유형 73
3. 시민사회 이해 84
4. 협력적 거버넌스를 통한 사회통일교육 거버넌스 95
제3장 사회통일교육 변천 102
제1절 광복이후1980년대: 반공교육 시기 103
1. 광복이후1980년대 남북한 관계 104
2. 광복이후1980년대 통일교육 목표와 내용 110
제2절 1990년대: 사회통일교육과 거버넌스 형성기 117
1. 1990년대 남북한 관계 117
2. 1990년대 통일교육 목표와 내용 119
제3절 2000년대 이후: 사회통일교육과 거버넌스 발전기 122
1. 2000년대 이후 남북한 관계 122
2. 2000년대 이후 통일교육 목표와 내용 124
제4장 사회통일교육 거버넌스 129
제1절 통일교육지원법의 의미와 기본 원칙 130
제2절 사회통일교육 주체별 거버넌스 현황 134
1. 통일교육협의회 회원단체 134
2. 지역통일교육센터 150
3. 통일관 158
제3절 사회통일교육 거버넌스 문제점 162
1. 사회통일교육 주체 간 네트워크 부재 162
2. 통일교육 내용의 사회적 합의 부재 164
제5장 사회통일교육 거버넌스 활성화 방안 168
제1절 사회통일교육 활성화를 위한 지원과제 168
1. 사회통일교육 지원법의 실효성 확대 168
2. 사회통일교육 분야의 민관 협력 개선 173
제2절 사회통일교육 활성화 방안 177
1. 통일교육지침서 내용의 대중화 177
2. 2030 통일공감대 모색 179
3. 평화통일 퍼실리테이터 양성 187
4. 통일국민협약 성격의 통일교육 사회적 합의 190
5. 민주시민교육 거버넌스와 연대 193
제6장 결론 232"