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북한의 시장화와 통치성 변화 : 국가개입전략을 중심으로

Marketization and Change of Governmentality of North Korea : Focusing on the of ‘state intervention strategy’

저자 한재헌
학위 박사
소속학교 동국대학교 대학원
전공 북한학과
발행연도 2016년
쪽수 234
지도교수 고유환
키워드 #한재헌   # 북한 시장화   # 통치성   # 사사화   # 면역
How state responds to the marketization in North Korea? It is one of the core questions of the argument on North Korea’s marketization. This study can be basically a type of a response on those questions.
However, this study is to precede the argument by newly organizing the premise of the traditional questions on “state intervention”. Most of all, by expanding the phenomenon and the concept of marketization from the existing economic definition, this marketization will be defined in the aspect of reorganization (modification) of a whole society such as discourse,
identity, space and ethics. In addition, the state is not an abstract concept extrinsic and opposing to marketization, the state exists in the relationship considered as the strategy and logic of modification as mentioned earlier, and the consequent effects of actions. Therefore, by asking “where do the strategies on marketization and the state intervention head for?” rather than asking “Is the responses of the state being strengthened or weakened?” and some answers regarding the questions are organized in this study. To comment on strengthening and regression of a nation, where the based strategies are heading for should be figured out. Those overall features of the strategy have been explained in this study through the concept called ‘governmentality.’
That marketization of North Korea produced new aspects in various levels such as discourse strategies and identity, change of spaces and the state intervention strategies have been performed in various areas and aspects. In addition, those main methods of such intervention were the logic and device of making the compartment organizing normalization responding to
such changes. In this study, the strategies of the compartment have been reviewed in the aspect of ①[Governance discourse that constitute the external border of the system], ②[Making urban compartment establishing internal order], ③[The conditions of the identity of distinctive resident].
Most of all, in governance discourse, the strategy and the logic dividing the huge ideological system and the specific changes in reality have been found. The extreme experience called ‘Arduous March’ and the national discourse responding to the changes in reality organized the epic discourse on difficulty of obtaining food and it led to the logic of national
restoration. Contemporary assignment is defined as “national restoration” called “a strong and prosperous country.” Socialism is transformed as a nation itself in the meaning of historically special economic factor organizing a society. The changes called marketization is permitted as the discourse of this restoration. However, in front of the all directional changes of life expressed by marketization, a nation can plant direct and literal fear and
disgusting image by describing the capitalism as a disease and the reform of North Korea’s marketization will be recognized as not related with the capitalism so that it can maintain the range of changes properly. By defining the capitalism as the literal hatred and ambiguous fear such as a disease, the specific changes in reality are recognized as something not related with the changes of the system being performed in a huge binominal scheme. As the changes in reality have been performed regularly, the ideology will be organized as something stronger and literal. The huge binominal scheme and the discourse of specific changes in reality have been seen in the situation considering behavior, recognition and attitude of the
residents as something problematic regarding antisocialism. In other words, it is the strategy to divide the economic behavior in a narrow aspect and the identity of rules.
The strategies of differential distribution of the space and division of the market place and the market system have been analyzed. The urban space of the socialist regulation system has been seen as setting up new order of the space depending on the differentiation of the market space and the increase of liquidity. The model of the space for the regulation spread into
the life of the residents was seen as the differential distribution of the market space, standardization and improvement, exclusion or inclusion of the qualification for entering the markets through modernization or making the markets on the skirt of a city. Those were the strategies to make some floating matters visible by controlling the market space regularly.
In addition, regarding the market space, in the ambiguous aspect of ‘the market system’ and ‘the market place’ showing the feature of the place were controlled in the divided form, and the reform of markets and controlling residents could be performed possibly at the same time. Those features of government could be found. Market itself could be divided in space and the control was focused on the conduct preventing the emerging of hybrid world in the form of de-discipline expressed in the feature of the space called markets.
Therefore, the need of recognition on the different concept of the market place in various aspects such as the analysis of ‘market’, market system and market, the relationship among residents in the markets and the type of behavior and various rules have been confirmed.
Finally, in the aspect of the residents left to the uncertain world, the minimized identity can be found. The residents of North Korea left to privatization. If the private possession dominated by uncertainty expresses the aspect of the policies, privatization expresses subjective and existential aspect, dominated by uncertainty are making self organization which
organizes a series of free time given to each individual over the time of faded regulation.
However, from the residents of North Korea struggling to organize the time in the infinite global competitive environment, forming new social dependence system showing minimized identity was found. In other words, those were to form the absence of the social trust the minimized identity full of ethos longing for ‘stability’. The series of aspect were the main
factors of reason and rationality and at the same time, it shows the individualization, and it could form the feature of avoidance and subordinating rather than the resistance and rebellion on the external force.
Therefore, the marketization of North Korea could be opened to the possibility of the results bringing the conservatization of the society rather than forming the identity threatening the system.
In conclusion, the governing practice according to the changes of marketization are mutually organizing and setting up the limitation and existing as the relationship in tension. In other words, the relationship has been made as one overall thing. It means estimating or eliminating the changes on the basis of the criteria of one change. The analysis and the evaluation of the overall changes in the society of North Korea requires the trace and analysis to see if any logic on a certain transformation and junction and strategies are established for those specific types of governmentality before making a suggestion of teleological conclusion of
alternative such as disconnection in catastrophe or returning to a complete state.
제1장 서론 1
제1절 문제제기 1
제2절 연구의 관점과 방법4
1. 시장에 관한 ‘실체론’적 접근 4
2. 공간의 문화정치 8
3. 감정사회학의 시각 10
4. 담론 분석과 구술 자료의 해석 12
제3절 논문의 구성 14
제2장 이론적 논의와 연구문제 15
제1절 사회주의 북한의 국가와 시장 15
1. 선행연구: 북한 ‘시장화’ 논의의 지형15
2. 북한의 중상주의적 통치와 ‘정치적인 것’ 28
3. 소결42
제2절 북한의 사회주의 근대성과 도시 44
1. 시장화, 사회적인 것, 도시 공간 44
2. 시장화의 공간적 맥락 45
제3절 통치성의 정의와 분석틀 48
1. 기존 연구에서 국가의 의미 48
2. ‘환경개입권력’으로서의 국가 50
3. 분석틀 57
제3장 정권의 반자본주의 ‘면역화’ 담론 63
제1절 ‘고난의 행군’이라는 출발점 63
1. ‘요새’의 심성구조와 ‘희생-극복’의 민족서사 63
2. ‘사건’과 ‘기억’으로서의 고난의 행군 70
제2절 질병으로서의 자본주의: 비사회주의론의 담론전략 74
1. 북한의 ‘가산제적 중상주의’와 통치 76
2. 중상주의적 통치와 내치 질서 83
3. 반자본주의 통치담론과 질병의 은유(metaphor) 86
4. 변화와 변질 사이에서 102
제3절 면역화의 정치와 공동체: 보호와 부정 106
1. 면역학적 위기와 선군정치 106
2. 공동체와 면역 109
제4장 도시성의 변화와 ‘내치(內治)’ 공간 115
제1절 사회주의의 공간이념과 도시정치 115
1. 공간의 배치와 도시정치 115
2. 함흥과 평성의 공간구조 형성 117
제2절 시장의 발달과 내치 공간의 분화 121
1. 내치의 목표로서의 도시 121
2. 함흥과 평성의 도시성의 변화 124
3. 시장의 발달과 시장 공간의 ‘격자화’ 135
제3절 도시경험과 심상지리 152
1. ‘이념’으로서의 도시 153
2. 파놉티콘에서 스펙타클로 155
3. ‘향유’되는 ‘문명’ 도시 157
제5장 불확실성의 세계와 ‘사사화’된 주체 169
제1절 ‘의식변화’에서 ‘주체화’로 170
1. 의식변화론과 주체화론 170
2. 인민과 인민정체성 173
3. 노동하는 인민과 인민정체성 176
제2절 ‘민족노동’의 쇠퇴 183
1. 북한의 지배이념과 노동: 조합주의적 노동관과 신화화 183
2. 노동의 다차원적 의미세계 186
제3절 불확실성에 내던져진 주체성 191
1. 시장과 자력구제의 삶 193
2. 불확실성의 세계, 축소되는 주체 197
제6장 결론 210
참고문헌 216
Abstract 231