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Changes at North Korean Missile Operating Bases: Part 2

게재일자 2024년 07월 02일
저자 Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Victor Cha and Jennifer Jun
키워드 #미사일 기지   #발사대   #삭간몰   #삿갓몰
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주요내용 This second part of Beyond Parallel’s missile operating bases update covers developments at Sakkanmol, Sangnam-ni, Sino-ri, and Yusang-ni.1 As with the bases covered in Part 1, none of these bases have ever been publicly acknowledged by North Korea. During the past five years, North Korea has undertaken numerous small and significant changes at many of its ballistic missile operating bases. The timing and nature of these developments across multiple ballistic missile operating bases indicate that they are a component of Kim Jong-un’s ongoing efforts to elevate the Strategic Force’s status and improve its operational readiness. Many of the observed changes have also focused on replacing outdated housing and improving food availability in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of life and morale of the Strategic Force troops and their families.