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Sino-North Korean Friendship Bridge Closure

게재일자 2017년 12월 05일
저자 Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. and Lisa Collins
키워드 #조중우의교   #압록강 철교   #북중관계   #북중 교역
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주요내용 On November 24, 2017, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told reporters that the Sino-North Korean Friendship Bridge will be closed temporarily in the “near future” while North Korea undertakes repairs to the road surface on its side of the bridge. Geng did not provide a specific date for how long the bridge would be closed but simply stated that “[i]t will be reopened after the repair is finished” and provided no further details such as the nature of the repairs. 1 While this announcement sounds like a routine report, as the bridge is sometimes closed for maintenance, there is speculation that it is an effort by China to bring pressure on North Korea over its continuing ballistic missile and nuclear weapons development programs.