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Sinpho South Shipyard: The Sinpo-C SSB Repositioned in Drydock During Extended Stay

게재일자 2024년 12월 12일
기관 38 North
저자 Peter Makowsky, Jack Liu, Iliana Ragnone
키워드 #북한   #신포항   #잠수함   #무기
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주요내용 Recent commercial satellite imagery of North Korea’s Sinpho South Shipyard reveals that the newest ballistic missile class submarine (SSB), the Sinpo-C (also called the Hero Kim Kun Ok), has been repositioned to the front of the drydock—immediately adjacent to the inflow gate—and covered by a protective structure. While the exact reason for this movement is unclear, the activity suggests the vessel will continue to remain in the drydock for an extended fitting-out period.