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KDI 북한경제리뷰 2022년 5월

저자 강동수, 이준엽, 정철, 김현욱, 김중호, 차두현
소속 및 직함 KDI 선임연구위원, 인하대, KIEP, 국립외교원 미주연구부장, 조지워싱턴대학교 한국학연구소 객원연구원, 아산정책연구원 수석연구위원
발행기관 한국개발연구원
학술지 북한경제리뷰
권호사항 24(5)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-70
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #미중경쟁   #북한   #경제안보   #대북정책   #한미정상회담   #윤석열 정부   #한미관계   #강동수   #이준엽   #정철   #김현욱   #김중호   #차두현
The global economy becomes increasingly unstable due to the continued US-China conflict, COVID-19 crisis, and accelerating disruptions in global supply chains resulting from the Russia-Ukraine war. On the Korean peninsula, North Korea's recent nuclear test (possibility) combined with the COVID-19 spread, makes it difficult for anyone to predict in what direction economic and security interests of neighboring countries will develop. The North Korean Economic Research Forum in May discussed the changing international landscape and the future of the Korean economy.

'Trends and Analysis' features three articles, focusing on the main outcomes of the Korea-US Summit held shortly after the launch of the new government in Korea. The articles account for what should be the core of the new government’s diplomatic strategy in the midst of the US-China competition. With respect to North Korea policy, Korea should reinforce its alliance with the US, instead of being overly concerned about China’s economic retaliation, while stepping up policy effort to find more trading partners, such as New Southern Policy from the preceding administration. At this summit, the US reaffirmed its willingness to prevent the balance of power on the Korean Peninsula from being disrupted by North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. In the era of strategic competition between the US and China, it is time for Korea to come up with ideas and capabilities that could provide both theoretical and practical interests. The articles analyze the recent changes and trends in the regional/international security environment surrounding the peninsula, and point out potential challenges to face in the process of realizing the “Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance” slogan―an extension of the existing Korea-US alliance to the regional and global levels. The new government’s foreign policy must properly reflect the national position of Korea, so that it could navigate successfully through the restructuring of the global order, often described as a 'value war' of 'democracy vs. authoritarianism.' Also, the same perspective should be used when preparing substantial economic cooperation measures that could actually attract North Korea's attention.
 미중경쟁과 북한 그리고 경제안보 | 강동수, 이준엽, 정철

동향과 분석
 신정부의 대북정책과 한미정상회담의 의미 | 김현욱
 윤석열 정부의 첫 한미정상회담 평가 및 한미관계 전망: 미국의 시각을 중심으로 | 김중호
 새 정부의 외교·안보 분야 중점 추진과제와 전망 | 차두현