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An Assessment of the Last Decade of the Kim Jong-un Regime

저자 Jin-Ha Kim, Jea Hwan Hong, Eun Mee Jeong
소속 및 직함 통일연구원
발행기관 통일연구원
학술지 Study Series
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1~68
발행 시기 2022년
키워드 #Jin-Ha Kim   #Jea Hwan Hong   #Eun Mee Jeong   #통일연구원
This English translation is an abbreviated and edited version of Research Series vol. 1~4: 1) Gyeong-Seob Oh et al., An Assessment of the Last Decade of the Kim Jong-un Regime; 2) Jin-Ha Kim et al., Kim Jong-un Regime's Nuclear Diplomacy and Changes of Foreign Policy; 3) Jea Hwan Hong et al., North Korean economy in the Kim Jong Un era: economic policy, foreign trade, lives of citizens; and 4) Eun Mee Jeong et al., North Korea's Social Policy in the Kim Jong-un Era: Welfare and Control (Seoul: Korea Institute for National Unification, December 2021). The analysis, comments, and opinions presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Korea Institute for National Unification.
1. Introduction
2. The Establishment of Kim Jong-un Regime and Power Stabilization
3. Nuclear Diplomacy and Changes in Foreign Policy of the Kim Jong-un Regime
4. North Korea's Economy in the Kim Jong-un Regime: Economic Policy, External Trade, and People’s Life
5. North Korea’s Social Policy in the Kim Jong-un Era: Welfare and Control
6. Conclusion