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The Implementation Strategy of the Establishment for Peaceful Community on the Korean Peninsula

The Implementation Strategy of the Establishment for Peaceful Community on the Korean Peninsula

저자 Hong Min, Cho Han-Bum, Park Ihn-Hwi.
소속 및 직함 Research Fellow, North Korean Research Division, KINU
발행기관 Korea Institute for National Unification
학술지 Study Series
권호사항 18(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-77
발행 시기 2018년
키워드 #Peaceful regime   #peaceful community   #Korean Peninsula   #Hong Min   #Cho Han-Bum   #Park Ihn-Hwi.
This paper aims to propose a peace roadmap to reduce threats from nuclear and missile programs of North Korea and to realize a sustainable and stable peace state. As for the preparation and promotion of the peace roadmap on the Korean Peninsula, its ultimate goal should be to gradually minimize and manage the risk from North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats, thereby establishing a stable state of peace on the peninsula. To that end, this paper outlines the strategic roadmap that North Korea pursues with its missile and nuclear programs. In order to take a closer look at the strategic map of North Korea, this article collects pieces of Kim Jong-un’s remarks related to the North-U.S. relations, peace negotiation, denuclearization, and North Korea’s nuclear policy since Chairman Kim took office. Secondly, three types of peace roadmaps are proposed based on the highly possible advancement of nuclear and missile programs and a practically achievable state of peace. Thirdly, in order to realize the three types of roadmaps, this study presents: 1) multiple diplomatic strategies to deal with stakeholders, 2) an economic and life community for the two Koreas that can further promote peace in the aspect of inter-Korean exchange, and 3) the strategy for exchange and cooperation.
1. Introduction

2. Strategy to Design Peace Roadmap on the Korean Peninsula

3. Strategy to Approach North Korea’s Nuclear Issue and Nuclear Roadmap
A. Demands of North Korea Analyzed Based on Major Remarks
B. North Korea’s Nuclear Roadmap Based on Major Remarks
C. Actual Strategic Goal of North Korea

4. Type of Peace Roadmap Categorized by Scenario
A. Three Types of Peace Roadmap Initiative on the Korean Peninsula
B. Possibility of Reapplication of Existing “September 19 Roadmap” and Its Limitation
C. Type 1: “North Korea’s Denuclearization-Peace Regime” Roadmap (Modified from the September 19 Framework)
D. Type 2: “Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula-Peace Regime” Roadmap (Roadmap Based on Peace Treaty Momentum)
E. Type 3: “Nuclear Freeze-Peace and Arms Control” Roadmap

5. Conclusion