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Pathways to a Peaceful Korean Peninsula

Pathways to a Peaceful Korean Peninsula

저자 Kyung-ok Do, Jeon-Ho Roh, Henri Feron
소속 및 직함 통일연구원, 한국법연구소, 한국법연구소
발행기관 통일연구원
학술지 연구총서
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-353
발행 시기 2016년
키워드 #Pathways   #korean   #peace   #Kyung-ok Do   #Jeon-Ho Roh   #Henri Feron
In the present volume, we analyze the dramatic escalation of tensions that accompanied the North Korean nuclear tests of January and September 2016 and that now threatens to trigger a new war on the Korean peninsula. We discuss the driving forces of the Korean nuclear crisis, review the soundness of current policies to solve it, and propose alternative approaches towards achieving durable peace and reconciliation. This volume represents the fourth installment in a five-year joint project between the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) and the Center for Korean Legal Studies (CKLS) at Columbia Law School in New York. The project aims to provide an ongoing legal and policy forum for advancing the causes of peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula. In previous years, it broadly addressed foundational and contextual issues such as the roots and legal consequences of the Korean division, the implications of the geopolitical tensions pervading the peninsula, and the interaction of the North with global governance institutions and the global economy. The rapidity of the escalation in 2016, however, brought us to focus in this volume a much more targeted and concrete manner on appropriate policy responses.
PART I: Reflecting on Seventy Years of Diplomacy 1
1. The Legal Framework of Diplomacy under the San Francisco System: Korea and the Formation of a New Legal Order 3
Jeong-Ho Roh
2. What Have Twenty Years of Nuclear Diplomacy Achieved? 29
Leon V. Sigal
3. The Future of US Policy toward North Korea and the Role of South Korea 57
Joel S. Wit and Sun Young Ahn
PART II: Assessing the Current Spiral of Escalation 75
4. The Endgame Question: Where Is Escalation Leading Us, and Is It Worth It? 77
Alexandre Y. Mansourov
5. Sanctions and North Korea: The Absence of a Humanitarian Emergencyand the Crisis of Development 119
Hazel Smith
6. Sanctions against North Korea: An Analysis from an International Human Rights Law Perspective 143
Kyung-ok Do
PART III: Proposing a De-Escalation 173
7. Internal Conditions for Rapprochement: What Kind of Economic Opening is Feasible? 175
Rüdiger Frank
8. External Conditions for Rapprochement: What Avenues and Opportunities Would a North Korean Opening-Up Present for the United States and Korea? 203
Chang-Seok Yang
9. State Succession in the Context of Korean Unification 235
Ye Joon Rim
10. Proposing a Model of Reunification to Solve the Korean Nuclear Crisis 263
Henri Féron