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Will North Korea Join Russia and China in a Combined Military Exercise? A Game Changer for Northeast Asian Security Architecture

저자 김영준
소속 및 직함 국방대학교
발행기관 국방대학교 국가안전보장문제연구소
학술지 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs
권호사항 28(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 31-53
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #North Korea   #Russia and China military cooperation   #The Korean People's Army   #The People's Liberation Army   #The Russian Army   #김영준
Under North Korea nuclear and missile development, trilateral security and military cooperation between the Republic of Korea, the U.S. and Japan seems unavoidable but only security option against North Korea threats. Threat assessments has much focused on existing threats like North Korean nuclear and missiles as well as new technology threats like Artificial Intelligence, Cyber, Drone and Cyber warfare capabilities, but rarely focus on North Korean military cooperation with China and Russia. Interestingly, since the end of the Korean War and a withdrawal of the Chinese Volunteer Forces (CVFs) in the late 1950’s, there has been no single combined military exercises between the Korean People’s Army (KPA), People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Russian Army over the seven decades. In 2018, VOSTOK exercise was the first combined exercise between the Russian Army and the PLA in history and it strongly led a strong reaction of the Western communities. Now it is naturally a time for North Korea to join Russia and Chinese military exercise against trilateral security partnership in other side, but there has been no research on this possible scenario and has only focused an independent North Korean threat. A possibility of the KPA to join a combined military exercise between the PLA and the Russian Army is under researched but a game changer for Northeast Asian Security Architecture rather than many nuclear and missile tests of North Korea. This paper examines why North Korea never had a combined military exercise with the PLA or the Russian Army in the past, why now this could be possible scenario and how the ROK-US alliance should prepare for this possible nightmare scenario. This will be a strong foundation study for policy makers by examining under researched topic and provide policy implications for further development of trilateral security partnership near future.


Literature Review

Main Factors for Why Not

The Korean War Legacy and a Search for the Juche's Army

A Fear of Domestic Politicall Rivals

Main Factors for Why Now

The New Cold War

The Trump Legacy

Russian and Chinese Perspectives on North Korea as a Military Partner

Possible Scenarios and Policy Implications

