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A Study on the Characteristics of North Korea’s Normalization and Standardization System in the Kim Jong-un Era: Focusing on the Reports of the Rodong Sinmun*

사업수행자 남북경제연구원
지원사업 연도 2022년
키워드 #normalization   # standardization   # Kim Jong-un   # integration of North and South Korean standards   # Rodong Sinmun
파일 36. 남북경제연구원 A Study on the Characteristics of North Korea’s Normalization and Standardization System in the Kim Jong-un Era Focusing on the Reports of the Rodong Sinmun.pdf

전문 공개


In the 21st century, standards have become ‘the universal language of industries that transcend borders and races.’ This article seeks to investigate the development of normalization and standardization in North Korea’s industrial sector during the Kim Jong-un era by analyzing North Korean media sources. By comparing the policies pursued under Kim Ilsung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un, it describes the gradual adoption of international standard systems in North Korea. It points out that it is not easy to achieve practical results by simply emphasizing the necessity of standardization and normalization if other industrial conditions are insufficient. Still, the North Korean authorities’ efforts to draw attention to the importance of normalization and standardization must be regarded as a positive trend.

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