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The North Korea-Russia Alliance and Korea’s Policy

저자 최우선
소속 및 직함 Director-General/Professor, Dept. of International Security and Unification Studies
발행기관 국립외교원 외교안보연구소
권호사항 2024(14)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 1-10
발행 시기 2024년
키워드 #North   #Korea   #Russia   #Alliance   #Korea’s   #Policy   #최우선
This paper aims to assess the nature and risks of the recently forged military alliance between North Korea and Russia and to present policies for Korea. During his visit to North  Korea  on  June  19,  Russian President  Vladimir  Putin  signed  the  "Treaty  on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership," a document that officially revives their military alliance and pledges comprehensive bilateral cooperation.
The formation of the North Korea-Russia alliance poses serious challenges to Korea. As North Korea is accelerating nuclear development and its pursuit of second-strike capabilities against the United States, curbing Russia’s military and technological assistance to Pyongyang is of utmost importance. Simultaneously, managing the relationship with Russia - now turning to overt hostility toward Korea - has become a more difficult diplomatic task. Furthermore, Korea faces the challenge of safeguarding its national security interests while preventing U.S.-China power competition and the formation of the North Korea-Russia alliance from reinforcing the move toward Cold War-type division.
1. Introduction
2. Russia’s Foreign Policy and North Korea’s Strategic Value
3. The Causes and Nature of the Alliance Formation
4. Russia’s Support for North Korea: Options
5. China’s Anticipated Stance
6. Policies for Korea