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Three Track Approaches to Verify and Destruct North Korea's Biological Weapons

저자 박기철
소속 및 직함 고려대학교
발행기관 국방대학교 국가안전보장문제연구소
학술지 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs
권호사항 28(1)
수록페이지 범위 및 쪽수 73-90
발행 시기 2023년
키워드 #North Korea   #Biological Weapons Threats   #Kim Jong-Un regime   #BWC   #박기철
Biological warfare agents (BWA) are highly potent substances that can cause harm when inhaled or ingested. These agents can be living organisms or toxic substances created by them. Due to their potency, BW agents can be up to 108 times stronger than the most potent chemical warfare agents (CWA). The primary delivery method for BW agents is through the air as an aerosol, which can spread through the wind. Biological agents can take several hours to take effect, and the effects of biological diseases may not manifest for days or even weeks. North Korea is believed to have an active biological weapons program and has been developing and stockpiling various biological agents, including anthrax, smallpox, botulinum toxin, and plague. North Korea's pursuit of biological weapons is a significant concern for the international community, and efforts to prevent the proliferation of these weapons have been ongoing for many years. The aim of this paper is to examine the potential risks of North Korean biological warfare and the measures taken by ROK-U.S. to mitigate these dangers. However, due to North Korea's deliberate secrecy regarding its biological weapons program, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions on this subject. Nonetheless, due to the possible benefits of biological weapons for North Korea, it is likely that the country poses a biological warfare threat. Responding to North Korea biological weapons threats requires a comprehensive approach that involves diplomatic, intelligence, military, preparedness, and international cooperation. In addition, three distinct approaches have been suggested to verify and dismantle North Korea's biological weapons program, contingent on feasible scenarios for verifying and destroying its capability. These scenarios depend on the stability of the Kim Jong-Un (KJU) regime, and diplomatic efforts, intelligence monitoring, effective countermeasures, and citizen education and preparedness are all necessary components of a comprehensive response.


- North Korea Biological Weapons Program
A. Destruction of Infrastructure
B. Healthcare System
C. Biological Weapon Protection
D. Psychological Reaction

- Track I. Diplomatic efforts to enhance BWC effectiveness and cooperate with E.U. and UNSCR: Kim Jong-Un’s stable regime and Great Power changing directions to support BWC.
- Track II. Bilateral Treaty (Wyoming Model): Kim Jong-un’s stable regime and the betterment of the relationship between the two Koreas.
- Track III. Challenge Investigation (UNSCOM / UNMOVIC Model): Kim Jong-Un’s unstable regime, sudden change of Pyongyang, and finding evidence of the intention of using biological weapons.

